May 19, 2006SHATTERPOINT, WARMACHINE, ENDORPHINS, VALKYRIES CRY, I HATE SALLY, LITTLE SUNDAY, and REHAB FOR QUITTERS are among the bands confirmed for the MQMusicfest, set to take place July 7-9 at Trudeau Park in Ontario, Canada.
Organized by Metal Queen Management, MQMusicfest is shaping up to be the first of its kind in Canada: three days straight of hard rock/metal chaos at Trudeau Park, two hours east of Toronto, two hours west of Montreal, one hour from Ottawa. Maps to the park can be found at Trudeau Park's web site, www.trudeaupark.com.
Commented Metal Queen Management president Betty Dworatschek: "The majority of the acts will be homegrown Canadians largely from Ontario and Quebec. That's what this is all about: the Canadian scene, our Canadian talent. We have so much of it."
Advance tickets are on sale now via the MQM Store at www.metalqueenmgmt.ca.